Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 17

Today was my first day without Iori guiding me to and from school. Iori's class went to Tokyo to visit Tokyo University, so the exchange students (Jane, Joanne, Sandra, and me) were in class 2-4 instead of our normal class, 2-1. This class has less english speaking students and more japanese speaking students. Instead of sitting us at the back of class, they took our desks from the 2-1 classroom and just shoved them randomly in rows of their classroom. This way, we all had seats in different parts of the room, which I liked instead of us being isolated at the back of class and only speaking english. 

After school Jane and Sandra went with me to an icecream shop. It was nice hanging out with people and just having fun. We saw some girls in the same icecream shop as us who went to our school so we asked for their instagrams and they got very excited. We ended up running to the station because we were late for our train, and took a very old looking train back to our respective towns. I get off a couple stops before Jane does, so I have a train buddy. I'm excited to try clubs tomorrow!

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