Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 24

I went to a Cat Cafe! It was nice to get to pet some animals! It was pretty funny though, because my host family accidentally put me on the train at 11:48 when I was supposed to get on at 12:48... It turned out to be a good thing though, because there was a store next to the station where they had puppies for adoption so I just went in there and pet puppies for an hour.

Before the cafe we had ramen at a ramen restaurant. It was so good... I was with Jane, Joanne, and Fuuka (Joanne's host sister). At the cafe I got to pet lots of cats. It was funny because the cats all had ears that flopped over at the tips. Then we went to take Purikura, which is the japanese photo booth that makes your eyes big and your skin super clear. I don't have the photos from the purikura but I do have pictures of us doodling on them in the editing section. After that we went again to the Starbucks because Jane and Joanne hadn't seen it yet. I got to pet more dogs in the park too. It was a good day. 

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