Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day 7

It's officially been a week since I got here, and I've been having a great time. My Aunt Jane asked me what I missed most about America, and I had to really wrack my brain for things! I take that as a really good sign. 

I think many things that they do here in Japan make more sense than things we do in America, like taking baths. Here, the bathroom is literally the bathroom. It's a room that is a shower and bath combined, with a shower-head hose thing for washing yourself. You wash yourself first; you shampoo your hair, clean your body and do all of that stuff. Then you get in the bath tub completely clean. It's so nice! The water is always so warm and you aren't just sitting in your own filth. 

After school we went home and stayed up late watching TV. I learned about a lot of Japanese artists, and Jun-chan showed me a Japanese youtuber he likes. There was a rainbow while we waited for the bus. 

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